Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why, Hello Again

*entry finished 12/24/09*

Hello all Elizabeth & Pirates fans!

I don't know who I'm dropping a line to, but hopefully someone else will read this! :) It's been a long while since the last time I wrote a post for this blog about Lizzie. I wonder how many true fans are still out there...

The movies have been completed for over two years now. How strong is the passion, love, and pride for these movies? Is it even still there? I know there hasn't been much news reported in a while here on Elizabeth, Pirates, or that much at all in general. I apologize about that because that's my fault and I haven't been maintaining it well. But now, :) I want to take a quick poll:

For the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, how strong would you say your: passion/pride/love is?

  • Mmm, not very strong; kinda like the wimpy little kid in the fourth grade strength.
  • Say what now? Love, pride and passion? That's just plain weird. I'd have to say extremely weak.
  • Pretty strong. I still watch it occasionally. It still makes me laugh, and go through a series of emotions whenever I see it again.
  • OHMIGOSH! WHO COULD EVER SAY THEIR PASSION AND PRIDE AND LOVE EVER WENT AWAY??? That's outrageous. I am so PASSION-FUL and so PRIDEFUL and so FULL of LOVE for these movies. Gaging my strength by which I feel for these movies, I'm Mr. Incredible.

So there you have it. That's the poll. I just might put it up on the blog in the form of an actual poll. Leave your answers in the comments!
